CHEN Ye1, TUO Yan-zheng1, WU Di2, ZHANG Tong1 |
1. College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China;
2. Woniu(Beijing) Tourist Attraction Management Group, Beijing 100020, China |
Abstract Given the enhancement of people's subjective consciousness, travel becomes more than a way of recreation. It also provides an opportunity for self-change and self-development. This paper makes an attempt to explore the mechanism on self-development of tourists during the process of travelling. Data were collected from 11 in-depth semi-structured interviews and 27 online travel notes, and then coded step by step of open coding, selective coding and theoretical coding. Through a grounded theory study of tourists' selfcognition change during travelling, a conceptual model of tourist self-development is proposed to explain the process of how tourists develop themselves during and after the trip. The findings present in the following three aspects. 1) Travel could help tourists to develop themselves. In the tourism context, the differences in objective environments and subjective state of minds from normal life could change tourists' attitudes and behaviors, which makes tourists to recognize their different facets. 2) The self- development of tourists is achieved through introspection in terms of emotion process and will process during and after the travel. The emotion process is influenced by the tourists' perceptions of tourism contextual factors and their motivations. 3) Travel motivations have indirect impacts on tourists' self-development with two different influential paths. Firstly, travel motivations have a significant impact on tourists' self-identification mediated by tourist' emotions. Secondly, travel motivations will also adjust will process of tourists and then affect the tourists' selfidentification.
Received: 27 November 2019
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